The other day I let some circumstances in my life totally bum me out. Then it hit me: I serve the God of the impossible. Of course things are going to look like garbage when I'm focused on the floor - it's when I lift my eyes to His face that I see the potential for success in my life! The thought gave me peace and humbled me. It was humbling because I hadn't even been seeking His provision, I hadn't chosen to lay my burden on Him and trust His direction. And yet He chose to nudge me anyway and remind me gently that He's in control. O, how He loves us! Of course things are going to look like big scary blank walls to us. They ARE impossible to climb on our own. "And He said, 'The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.'" -Luke 18:27
I shared this post with my 21 year old daughter who struggles in the exact same way. These words from your profile could be hers, if she had one!
"I vary from painfully introspective and self-aware to carelessly ignorant and short-sighted. I sometimes wonder where the middle ground is!"
I'll be back to visit! And I'll encourage my daughter to stop by as well.
I appreciate you stopping by, and referring your daughter also! I hope you both enjoy reading the blog :) Have a lovely day!
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