My afternoon, that is. I thought I would treat myself to sleeping in since I had gotten up at normal times two days in a row (normal for most people, but not for a night owl like myself). My body didn't like that so well. Even though I stayed up till it was today before I went to bed, sleeping until nearly 11am was too much. When I woke up there was a little black rain cloud instantly over my head, ready to give a steady drizzle for the rest of the day. A steady drizzle is not so bad, you say? I'd prefer a flash and storm, and then clear skies. Little did I know that they were coming! After quite a not motivated morning filled with little pleading prayers for a brighter outlook, I got myself ready and headed to work. After a brief bit of grumbling, the day turned out fantastic. I was able to get more than usual done in just the right amount of time. It might not seem like a big deal, but it was to me. While I was working I began to sing "God is good, all the time - He put a song of praise in this heart of mine!" which is just what I was feeling. Thank you God for being present even in the little things.
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