Yesterday I got a late start getting ready to go to work. It's not that I had to look great for work (I babysit, clean, and cook for a family in my town), but I knew that I would be going to church later on and I don't have much time between work and church to fix any huge hair or wardrobe problems. So I thought, "Ok hair, I'm going to spray this curling stuff on you and use the diffuser a little bit, and see how it goes..." That's a gamble because my hair is naturally curly but it can take some coaxing to be curly in a pretty, manageable way. It turned out good enough (I thought), so I pinned up a few pieces and let it ride. Apparently that's a rockin' good look for me, because I got three or four compliments on it that night! It's funny sometimes how when I think I've got a good look going, no one comments. Then when I feel sort of haphazard, everyone thinks I look great! Maybe my idea of what looks good needs to be revised. Funny thing about hair. How come when I'm just playing around with it, it does really cool stuff...then when I'm under the gun getting ready for something and I really need to look nice, my hair does NOT cooperate. I'm thinking of hiring a personal hair stylist...when I suddenly get rich. Which, you know, could be soon I guess. :-) Hope you have a good hair day today!
*** By the way - the above photo is from when my hair was a lot shorter, right after a haircut, and doing that cool thing that it does when I don't really need it to look nice...sigh. ;)
I am so sorry the the hair genes aren't always cooperative! I'm with you all the way, and when my ship comes in, will spring for the resident hair stylist. :)
That's life...and hair, Becky. I usually wear mine up in a no fuss bun with clips. But for my son's wedding I wanted something special. So the week before I went to the hairdresser (for the first time in YEARS) to have my bangs cut. Mistake number one...they were way too short and instead of looking like I was 40+ I looked like I was 4. Then, my girlfriend and my sister got ahold of me and spent hours to give me a glorified pony tail. Ugh! What I envisioned did not happen at all. Oh well, I have five more children and, hopefully, five more weddings to try again.
Hi Becky -
Unfortunately, most of my days are bad hair days. If I ever become rich, going to the hairdresser once a week would be heavenly.
Susan :)
Mom - Excellent! It's a plan.
Carol - I feel your pain...And yes, five more weddings to look fabulous!
Susan - I look back at photos of myself from years ago and it's almost like I had bad hair YEARS! :-D Fortunately, life is about more than what we look like. Jesus looks at our hearts - not our hairstyling tools!
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